Understanding the Bible requires more than just reading; it demands a deep exploration of the text, the author, and the historical and cultural context in which it was written. In this session, How to Become a Student of the Word: Methods to Exegete Scripture 101B, we’ll equip you with essential tools to study Scripture effectively. By understanding the circumstances that surround the text in which you’re studying, you will gain a richer, more accurate interpretation of the Bible!
Check out our Complete Collection of Learning How to Study the Bible (Exegesis/Hermeneutics)
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.
2 Timothy 2:15 ESV
Did you know that you are enough to study the Word of God?
One word surrounds THE Word, intimidation. The Bible truly in itself is intimidating. And if you don’t think so, lets recall what the Bible is. The Bible is a historic Eastern book complied of documents spanning and dating back to over 3,500+ years. Recording events that have taken place over 6,000 years ago…These ancient documents were complied by over 40 authors, recorded in ancient Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek- stewarded and passed down through the Jewish and later Greco-Roman followers of the God of Israel and early followers of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.
The Bible is the most profound text on the face of the Earth.
With the text (the Bible) having been incredibly preserved, holding millenniums of historical, cultural, and linguistic content. We can assume that this book (the Bible) is going to need some extra work, study, and generational wisdom to properly handle it rightly.
If your native language isn’t ancient Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek, you can move forward knowing that the barrier between you and the original Biblical documents is real (and a massive gap). It would take a lifetime to learn these languages and understand the fullness of the history, culture, and linguistic dynamics of these texts. And even that wouldn’t be enough!
Yet with the use of resources that have been created and developed for over 2,000+ years, these with help every student of the Bible begin their journey to unearth these ancient texts. From the original inspired writings to modern translations. Together, we can begin to learn the historical, cultural, and linguistic reality behind each book, and unto the entirety of the Bible!
Anyone can read the Bible. But only those who seek the Author(God Himself) of these ancient documents and who find themselves unashamed to boldly do their best to handle this Book rightly will unlock the Word of Truth. This task is burdensome, this task will take ones lifetime, yet this task to become a right handler of the Word of God so that they can become an approved student of the teaching of Christ Jesus and the Ways of the God of Israel, this is a task that will only lead one unto eternity. Leading one from sanctification to glorification.
Historical Context (answer these questions before reading)
We have many sessions already and ahead of us that will help being unearthing resources, methods, and mindsets to becoming a student of the Word. This session is giving you 11 questions to approach ever text, chapter, and book of the Bible. This may seem simple (or overwhelming). But these 11 questions will spur you on into deep revelation and finding yourself as a student of God’s Word.
Get to know the author to best get to know the Biblical book you are reading!
- Who is the author? If we don’t know the author (meaning the text doesn’t tell us and or there isn’t a historical account of who was known to have wrote it) focus in on who the book is written for (audience)
- What was the authors background?
- When did they write this specific book? What was the nature of the authors ministry or Biblical significance?
- What kind of relationship did they have with the audience? Are they mentioned in the book or anywhere else in scripture. Like the letters, how did they relate to their audience?
- Why were they writing?
- What was the biblical audience?
- What was the audiences circumstances?
- What was their relationship to God?
- What kind of relationship did they have with each other?
- What was happening in the world during the time the book was written? Specifically the Middle East, Asia, or Mediterranean area
- Are there any other historical-cultural factors that might shed light on the book?
The use of these questions will help you better unpack the depth of each book of the Bible. Some questions will be easier to answer than other. While the genre and writing style varies book to book and Old Testament from the New Testament.
When it comes to studying the Word, where we are all at in our journeys of following Christ or even if you have curiosity about the Bible, Christianity, or the Church, we are all at different places. Some may speak Greek, Hebrew, or Aramaic, while others (like me), are a native English speaker who had no heritage or linguistic background in the original languages of the Bible. We all are coming into studying the Word with different strengths, weakness, privileges, and different levels of access.
Therefore, whatever your access is to the Bible and Biblical resources that will help you answer those above questions, all you are expected of my Jesus is to do your best and to seek to become a student of the Word! He knows your heart. He loves your heart. And do not forget to pray and ask for an increase of access to unlock His Word amidst your present reality of life! He will surly reveal and supply more than you could ask or imagine!
In our next session, we will release online and physical resources that we hope can help you answer the questions above.
My desire is to minimize the gap that presents itself for Christians to study the Bible. And the biggest gap can be finances. I hope these free sessions and free online resources (and some for purchase but aren’t necessary but very useful) will help unearth the Bible and help you become a student of the Word of God, today, and for the rest of your time here on Earth!
In Christ,
Lovely read! Can’t wait for part 2
obsessed, I’ll be back for more
Janine Lambaren and are very excited. We are living together now that we are both ‘single’ and aged. 🤗 we…