How to Become a Student of the Word – 11 Question to ask to Exegete the Bible

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2 Timothy 2:15 ESV

Did you know that you are enough to study the Word of God?

The Bible is the most profound text on the face of the Earth.

Historical Context (answer these questions before reading)

Get to know the author to best get to know the Biblical book you are reading!

  1. Who is the author? If we don’t know the author (meaning the text doesn’t tell us and or there isn’t a historical account of who was known to have wrote it) focus in on who the book is written for (audience)
  2. What was the authors background? 
  3. When did they write this specific book? What was the nature of the authors ministry or Biblical significance? 
  4. What kind of relationship did they have with the audience? Are they mentioned in the book or anywhere else in scripture. Like the letters, how did they relate to their audience?
  5. Why were they writing? 
  6. What was the biblical audience? 
  7. What was the audiences circumstances? 
  8. What was their relationship to God? 
  9. What kind of relationship did they have with each other? 
  10. What was happening in the world during the time the book was written? Specifically the Middle East, Asia, or Mediterranean area
  11. Are there any other historical-cultural factors that might shed light on the book?

When it comes to studying the Word, where we are all at in our journeys of following Christ or even if you have curiosity about the Bible, Christianity, or the Church, we are all at different places. Some may speak Greek, Hebrew, or Aramaic, while others (like me), are a native English speaker who had no heritage or linguistic background in the original languages of the Bible. We all are coming into studying the Word with different strengths, weakness, privileges, and different levels of access.

In our next session, we will release online and physical resources that we hope can help you answer the questions above.

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